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Woven Clothing Production Line

Workwear & Protective Clothing

Our first production line is dedicated to woven clothing, specializing in crafting durable and functional garments such as workwear and tactical clothing. Whether it’s uniforms for industrial settings, protective gear for tactical operations, or rugged outdoor apparel, our skilled team ensures that every piece meets the highest standards of quality, durability, and comfort. With meticulous attention to detail and a focus on performance, we deliver garments that are built to withstand the demands of challenging environments.

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Knitted Clothing Production Line

Polyester Clothing

The second production line focuses on knitted clothing, offering a wide range of sportswear apparel designed for performance and style. From practice jerseys for ice hockey to baseball jerseys and beyond, our knitted garments combine advanced materials with ergonomic designs to enhance athletic performance and comfort. Whether it’s moisture-wicking fabrics for intense workouts or breathable constructions for extended wear, we tailor each garment to meet the specific needs of athletes and sports enthusiasts.

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Gloves Production Line

Working & Mechanical Gloves

Our gloves production line caters to diverse working needs, producing a comprehensive range of gloves designed for various industries and applications. From heavy-duty work gloves for construction and manufacturing to specialized gloves for outdoor activities and sports, we utilize high-quality materials and precision manufacturing techniques to ensure superior protection, dexterity, and durability. With a focus on safety and performance, our gloves provide reliable hand protection in any environment.

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Sporting and Fitness Goods Production Line

Compression Clothing, Neoprene Accessories

The fourth production line is dedicated to crafting sporting and fitness goods that inspire active lifestyles and enhance athletic performance. Our range of products is designed to meet the needs of athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and recreational users alike. With a commitment to innovation and quality, we deliver sporting goods that combine cutting-edge technology with superior craftsmanship, ensuring durability, performance, and enjoyment on the field, court, or gym.


Quality with Premium Service


Capacity: 4500 V Neck jerseys per day 


Capacity: 3000 coveralls per week


Capacity: 50,000 pairs of mechanical/working gloves per month

Sporting Goods

Capacity: Depends on specific product design and artwork